
基于需求分析的地方院校英语专业课程设置探究 被引量:1

A Study on Curriculum Design of English Major Based on Needs Analysis in Local College
摘要 文章基于需求分析理论,对贵州省A学院英语专业61名学生进行试点调查,并通过贵州省7所地方高校英语专业的550名学生、20名教师及10个社会用人单位的需求分析进行调查,分析三者的目前情景需求和目标情景需求,探讨适合地方院校英语专业的人才培养方案,明确适合学生发展、适应地方经济发展需求的英语专业课程设置,为地方院校英语专业的课程建设提供新的思路。 Referring to the practical teaching work and based on the theory of need analysis, this paper conducted pilot investigation of the 61 English majors in A university of Guizhou Province to investigate the demand of 550 English majors at seven universities, 20 teachers and 10 employers of Guizhou Province. Based on the investigation, this paper analyzed the current situational need and target situational need of the three sides, explored the suitable training scheme for English major students of local colleges and universities and clarified English major curriculum which is suitable for students development and could meet the needs of local economic development, so as to provide new thought for English curriculum construction of local colleges and universities.
出处 《安顺学院学报》 2017年第2期60-63,共4页 Journal of Anshun University
基金 贵州省2014年度教育厅省级教学质量工程项目"英语专业综合改革试点项目"(项目编号:2014ZXZZ004)中期成果
关键词 需求分析 地方院校 英语专业 课程设置 need analysis, local colleges, english majors, curriculum setting
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