
在职场中生长教师的生命自觉——兼及陶行知“以教人者教己”的思想与实践 被引量:6

The Growth of Teachers' Life Consciousness in the Workplace:In Light of Tao Xingzhi's Thought and Practice of “Teaching People to Teach Themselves First”
摘要 人的生命的多测度的整体、协调发展需要从事生命教育的教师尊重生命、理解生命、鼓励、促进并成就生命。教师关于人、生命的知识,关爱、呵护生命的情感情怀,教师的生命教育素养和能力以及教师自我生命的状况是在教育职场生活中,通过与学生的交往互动并经由师生生命的坦诚相见和不断碰撞逐渐生长和提升的。面对社会和教育转型中生命教育所存在的客观困难以及教师在应对这些问题方面的素养和能力的欠缺,陶行知先生的"整体生命观"以及"生活教育"思想具有重要的历史意义和现实启示,特别是他"以教人者教己"的思想以及他自身的生命榜样作用,更是启发我们从现实的教育状况和完整生命成长需求出发,引导教师在教育教学生活中不断提升自己的人文素养,锤炼生命教育的能力并不断丰富生命状态和生命质量。以"情感"为切入口,带动教师基于职场生活的行动研究,生成并提升教师的"情感-人文素质"的人文主义行动研究既是对陶行知先生思想和个人实践的延续与学习,也是在面对中国社会和教育现实条件下,通过带动生成教师生命自觉开展生命教育的尝试探索和可能途径。 As a whole, coordinated development of a multi-dimensional human life requires teachers engaged in conducting life education to respect, understand, encourage, promote and enable people's life. Teachers' knowledge about human life, their ability to do life education, and the state of their own life grow gradually and are thus enhanced through interaction with students in life education. Facing the difficulties in life education in social and educational transition and the shortage of teachers 'ability to deal with these problems, we find that Tao Xingzhi's views on 'whole life'and 'life education' have important historical significance. Of particular note are his thought of "teaching people to teach themselves first" and his playing a role model for the practice of such an idea. All this inspires us to guide teachers to continuously upgrade their human qualities, develop the ability to do life education, enrich and improve life quality on the basis of a full understanding of the educational reality and teachers 'need for the growth of a complete life. Taking affective factors ( in combination with teachers' action research based on their workplace context ) as the key to the formation and enhancement of the emotion and humanistic quality-based action research is not only the continuation and inheritance of Tao Xingzhi's thought and practice but also an exploration on the possible approach in China's social and educational context to a successful life education with enabling teachers' life as an indispensible component.
作者 朱小蔓 王平
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期67-74,共8页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 香港田家炳基金会赞助支持
关键词 生命教育 教师 生命自觉 陶行知 life education teachers life consciousness Tao Xingzhi
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