

On the Historical Origin and the Great Influence of the Nanchang Uprising and the Xiangnan Uprising
摘要 八一南昌起义和湘南起义作为中国共产党在革命处于低潮的情况下为了挽救革命而举行的两次大规模的武装起义和中国革命发展史上有重大意义的事件,二者具有不可忽视的历史渊源。第一,湘南起义是在朱德、陈毅和湘南特委高举南昌起义"八一"旗帜下的一次武装起义,没有朱德、陈毅等高举"八一"伟大旗帜,就没有湘南起义。第二,湘南起义是中共湘南特委配合朱德、陈毅共同组织发动起来的一次成功的武装起义。第三,湘南起义中的工农革命武装是朱德、陈毅率领的南昌起义留下来的精英以及朱德、陈毅为首改编和组建的人民革命武装力量。第四,湘南起义的成功举行是朱德、陈毅和湘南特委总结南昌起义失利因素后来之不易的胜利壮举。第五,在南昌起义影响与朱德、陈毅带领下,从湘南起义中走出了一大批开国将军和将领,历史不会忘记他们。 the Nanchang uprising and the Xiangnan uprising were the events with great significance in development of Chinese revolution. When the revolution was in its low tide, the Communist Party of Chinese held two large-scale armed uprisings in order to save the revolution. The two events had their historical origin which can not be ignored. Firstly, the Xiangnan uprising was an armed uprising under the great "Bayi" banner of the Nanehang uprising held by Zhu De, Chen Yi and the CPC Xiangnan special committee. Without Zhu De and Chen Yi's holding high the "Bayi" banner, there was no the Xiangnan uprising. Secondly, the Xiangnan uprising was a successful armed uprising in the case that the CPC Xiangnan special committee coordinated with Zhu De and Chen Yi's action. Thirdly, the workers and peasants revolutionary armed forces in the Xiangnan uprising was the elite of the Nanchang uprising led by Zhu De and Chen Yi, and the adapted and formed people's revolutionary armed forces. Fourthly, the successful Xiangnan uprising was a hard-earned victory feat after Zhu De, Chert Yi and Xiangnan special committee summarized the defeat factors of the Nanchang uprising. Fifthly, under the influence of the Nanchang uprising and led by Zhu De and Chen Yi, a large number of founding generals came out from the Xiangnan uprising, and the history will never forget them.
作者 吴志平
出处 《江西科技师范大学学报》 2017年第2期41-46,128,共7页 Journal of Jiangxi Science & Technology Normal University
基金 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地2013年度研究项目<南昌起义与八一精神研究>(项目编号:JD1314 主持人:李红勇)阶段性成果 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地2016年度研究项目<南昌起义 秋收起义 广州起义及其革命精神比较研究>(项目编号:JD16063 主持人:叶桉)阶段性成果 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地2016年度研究项目<南昌起义元勋与中国共产党建军思想研究>(项目编号:JD16066 主持人:李芸)阶段性成果
关键词 南昌起义 湘南起义 革命 历史渊源 the Nanehang uprising the Xiangnan uprising revolution historical origin
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