
2014—2015年泉州地区手足口病的流行特征及临床特点 被引量:6

The epidemiological characteristics and clinical manifestations of hand-foot-mouth disease in Quanzhou area during 2014 and 2015
摘要 目的调查泉州地区手足口病(HFMD)流行的特征,为该地区HFMD的防治提供参考。方法分析2014年9月至2015年9月泉州地区HFMD的发病季节、地区、性别、年龄及不同类型病毒感染的情况。结果泉州地区一年四季均有新发HFMD病例,发病高峰在4~7月,次高峰为9~10月。发病人群以散居儿童多见;其中男性患者占64.9%,女性患者占35.1%,男女发病比例为1.9∶1,总体发病率为0.2%。患者中<5岁的儿童占94.9%,其中1~2岁占54.3%。脑炎病例多数患者年龄<2岁,尤其以1~2岁为多发。咽拭子标本检测发现,66.5%为EV71感染,6.8%为CoxA16感染,26.7%为其他病毒感染。多数病人有多处皮疹。结论泉州地区HFMD病例在夏秋季明显增多,人口密集的地区发病率较高,以EV71感染最为多见。5岁以下儿童,特别是1~2岁儿童为HFMD易感人群。 Objective To reveal the epidemic characteristics of the hand-foot-mouth disease in Quanzhou area, and provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of HFMD. Methods The epidemic season, region, gender, age and types of infected viruses of HFMD in Quanzhou area during September 2014 and September 2015 were analysed. Results There were new HFMD cases in Quanzhou area all year round. The peak season was from April to July with the season from September to October being the secondary. Scattered chil dren were vulnerable population. Male patients accounted for 64.9% and female patients accounted for 35.1%/60. The male/female ratio was 1.9 : 1, and the overall incidence rate was 0.2%. Children less 5 years of age accounted for 94.9%, among whom children at 1 to 2 years old accounted for 54.31%. The majority of encephalitis children were less than 2 years old, in particular 1 to 2 years old. Detection of throat swab specimens showed that 66.5%% of the cases were EV71 infection, 6.8% were CoxA16 infection, and 26.7% were other viral infections. Most patients had multiple skin lesions. Conelusion HFMD cases increase sig nificantly between summer and autumn at Quanzhou area. Densely populated areas have higher incidence rates. EVT1 infection cases are the commonest. Children under 5 years old, especially those less than 2 years old, are prone to infection of HFMD.
出处 《中国微生态学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2017年第5期555-558,562,共5页 Chinese Journal of Microecology
关键词 手足口病 季节 肠道病毒71型 A组柯萨奇病毒 Hand-foot-mouth disease Season Enterovirus type 71 Group A coxsackie virus
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