
“技术统治时代”意味着什么? 被引量:2

What Does “Technology Dominates an Era” Imply?
摘要 亚里士多德从"实存"的区分开始,尤其注意到"技术存在"与"自然存在"的区分,如同"诗"与"历史"的区分。"诗"高于"历史"靠"想象创作";"技术存在"高于"自然存在"靠"计算制作";均以此拔高为"本质",确认了人的需要为其方向。其逻辑都在"计算制作"中完成"多即一"的归纳以承接柏拉图"一即多"的演绎,开创了西方"形而上学"之"功能结构主义"道路。西方民主从"古希腊"开始的基础(内部奴隶制与外部殖民地、智能性功能结构主义)到走出中世纪的"原罪式人性恶"实现于"功利资本主义"的侵略殖民扩张——才完整地体现了西方历史的发展轨迹。"大爆炸理论"之"宇宙大设计""人是基本粒子的聚合物"之"物理还原主义"是顶层理论,"人工智能"不过是其"宇宙论物义论"的贯彻机制,都统属于西方"非人化"科学知识系统的上下承接,否认人类文化,抹杀其本质界限,最后引向"机器人第三型文明"。"科学技术主义"独断一切。西方历史,有一条明显的下行路线:神性、人性一路褪去,剩下唯物。人本来就是自然演化而为人,现在西方人反其道而行之,全部褪去将人还原为物,使进化论成为末世论——这才是西方技术的要害所在。 According to Aristotle,the construction of "poetry" by its imaginary work was more sophisticated than the construction of "history",just as "technology" by its scientific accuracy was more advanced than"nature",which established a long academic tradition to investigate and analyze the deep structure of various constructions.In this regard,the great variety of natural and socio-cultural realities could be deduced into one structure,which was consistent with the Platonist "one-over-many"principle.It was this line of thinking that laid the foundation of a very influential school of thought,namely,functional structuralism in Western philosophy.Starting from the "ancient Greek democracy"which was based on its internal slavery and external colonialism as the organizing principle and characterized by functional structuralism at the heart of mentality,to getting rid of the "originally-sinned human nature" during the medieval times,and then to colonializing the rest of the world with the expansion of capitalism and its utilitarian ethics in the 19 th century,the path of Western civilization was unfolded by its own historical process.Currently,with the Big Bang Theory to explain"the Grand Design"of the universe and with elementary particle physics to reveal the secrets of energy at the ideological level,the invention of artificial intelligence to further satisfy human needs is merely the practical level of contemporary Western culture,which is consistent with the point of view that humans can be viewed,analyzed and reconstructed as non-human objects.As the cult of science and technology dominates our era,the boundaries among different cultures are resolving,and the whole world is marching to a technological future,namely,the era of artificial intelligence.Throughout the history of Western civilization,from ancient Greece to the present,a downward path from divinity to humanity and all the way to non-human objectivity can be seen clearly.However,what makes us humans progressively used to be the most important theme in evolutionism,not the other way around as what the Western technological path is revealed.If this dehumanized approach really became the mainstream,evolutionism would just become eschatology.
作者 墨哲兰
出处 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第2期111-124,共14页 Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 功能结构主义 资本功利主义 科学技术主义 进化论即末世论 functional-structuralism capitalist utilitarianism the cult of science and technology evolutionism as eschatology
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