2Systematic Theology. V. I,p. 14.何光沪.《保罗·蒂里希及其哲学神学思想》.何光沪选编.《蒂里希选集》(上).上海三联书店,1999年版,第14-15页.
5Hans- Georg Gadamer, Truth and Method, New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1975. p. 506.
6Paul Tillich: Theology of Culture, New York:Oxford University Press, 1964. p. 153. p. 8. p. 143. p. 142.
7JVLPaulTil- lich, The courage to Be, New Haven&London: Yale University Press,1952,p. 40.
8Paul Tillich, Theology of Culture , New York : Oxford University Press, 1964, p. 70.
9Paul Tillich, Christianity and the Encounter of the World Religion, New York : Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1963, p. 4 - 5.
10Robert A. Em-mons, The Psychology of Ultimate Concerns : Mo- tivation and Spirituality in Personality, New York : The Guilford Press, 1999, p. 94 - 97.