1[1] SHRP-LTPP Overview. Five-Year Report[R]. SHRP, National Research Council. U.S.A.,1994.
2[2] Maintaining Flexible Pavements-The Long Term Pavement Performance Experiment SPS 3. 5-year Data Analysis[R]. March 1998(FHWA-RD-97-102).
3[3] DataPave:User-Friendly Access to LTPP Data[R]. December 1998(FHWA-RD-99-051).
5LTPP Product Brief: Pavement Profile Viewer and Analyzer. U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
6Strategic Plan for Long-Term Pavement Performance Data Analysis. U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Novemeber9,1999 Corrected 04-20-01.
7LTPP: 2003 Year in Review. U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
8Fulfilling the Promise of Better Roads-A Report of the TRB Long-Term Pavement Performance Committee. Transportation Research Board and The National Academies, 2001.
9LTPP: 2002 Year in Review. U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
10LTPP Product Brief: DataPave 3.0: User-Friendly Access to LTPP Data. U.S Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.