对2006~2015年研究区域的遥感影像数据进行处理,求出每年人居生态环境承载力。结合研究区域的社会经济数据及实际情况选择10个指标,通过相关分析方法对研究区域用地平衡与生态环境承载力的耦合关系进行分析。结果表明:研究区域近10年总生态环境承载力与人均生态环境承载力不断降低,总生态环境承载力由2006年的5 053.77 hm^2下降至2015年的4 795.64 hm^2;人均生态环境承载力由2006年的0.546 153 hm^2下降至2010年的0.426 212 hm^2;人均生态承载力与景观格局指数的耦合形态呈先降低后增加的变化趋势,与植被覆盖度、生物丰度指数的耦合形态均呈下降趋势;但降低幅度较小。与水网密度指数、土地生态系统服务功能指数之间的耦合形态呈小幅度上升趋势;人均生态承载力与人均耕地面积之间的耦合形态基本呈直线型,与人均林地面积之间和废水净排放量的耦合形态呈下降趋势;人均生态承载力与第三产业比重之间的耦合形态大致呈直线型,与城市化率的耦合形态呈下降趋势。
The study area from 2006 to 2015 in remote sensing image data processing, and the ecological environmental bearing capacity every year is presented. In combination with the practical situation of social and economic data of study area and select 10 indicators,through correlation analysis metliod to the area and the coupling relationship of ecological environmental bearing capacity are analyzed. T h e results s how thatthe research area in recent 10 years the total ecological environmental bearing capacity and ecological environmental bearing capacity,the total ecological environmental bearing capacity from 5 053. 77 h m 2 in 2006 dropped to 4 795.64 hm 2 in 2015, the per capita ecological environmental bearing capacity from0. 546 153 hm 2 in 2006 dropped to 0.426 212 h m 2 in 2010; per capita ecological landscape patem index of tiie coupling are lower before the change trend of increase,and the vegetation coverage, the abundance index of t!ie coupling form are falling,but reduce the amplitude is small,and water channel density index,land ecosystem service function index of the coupling form between a small upwa r d trend ; Per capita arableland per capita ecological carrying capacity and the coupling between the basic form are lineararea per capita and waste water net emissions of coupling between form a d o w n w a r d carrying capacity and the coupling between the proportion of the tertiary industry are roughly linear form,and thecoupling of urbanization rate form a d o w n w a r d trend.
WANG Si- rui CHEN Yi(School of Architecture and Environment,Sic h u a n University,Chengdu 610225, P. R . China)
Science Technology and Engineering
land use ecological environment the bearing capacity the coupling relationship