
建成环境对老年人休闲性体力活动影响的meta分析 被引量:1

The Meta Analysis about Environment Influence Factors that Built by Recreationally Physical Activity of Elderly
摘要 目的:系统评价建成环境诸要素与老年人休闲性体力活动之间的相关性。方法:计算机检索EB—SCOhost、ScienceDirect、SportsDiscus、SpringerLink、PubMed和WebofScience等数据库,查找关于建成环境与老年人休闲性体力活动相关性的研究,应用Combie横断面研究评价工具对纳入文献进行方法学质量评价,statal4.0软件进行统计分析。meta分析结果显示:交通安全性(OR=1.54,95%CI:1.14~1.93)、目的地可达性(OR=1.34,95%CI:1.15~1.53)、环境安全性(OR=1.32,95%CI:1.03~1.61)、美学感知(OR=1.19,95%CI:1.02~1.36)、公园绿地(OR:1.16,95%CI:1.04~1.29)、居住密度(OR=1.16,95%CI:1.005—1.318)和土地混合使用率(OR=1.15,95%CI:1.00~1.31)等建成环境因素与老年人休闲性体力活动之间具有相关性;而街道连通性(OR=1.06,95%cI:0.91~1.22)和人行道质量(OR=0.88,95%CI:0.69~1.06)与老年人休闲性体力活动之间没有关系。结论:建成环境中的诸多因素均能促进老年人休闲性体力活动,它们的重要性依次为交通安全性、目的地可达性、环境安全性、美学感知、公园绿地面积、居住密度和土地混合使用率:街道连通性、人行道质量对老年人休闲性体力活动没有产生影响。建议政府规划部门可以通过改善我国城市建成环境中上述各有利因素,以促进老年人休闲性体力活动,提高其健康水平,以应对我国人口老龄化所带来的健康危机和隐患。 Objective: To evaluate the relationship between built environment factors and leisure time physical activity the older. Methods: using computer to retrieve EBSCOhost and Science Direct, Sports Discus, Springer Link, PubMed and Web of Science database, all the retrieval time was from 2006 to February 2016, collecting the research of built environment and leisure time physical activity the older, Using the Combie bias risk assess- ment tools to evaluate the methodological quality of included literature, and having a statistical analysis with sta- tal4.0 software. Meta-analysis showed that Traffic safety( OR = 1.54,95% CI: 1.14 - 1.93 ), Destination acces- sibility ( OR = 1.32,95 % CI : 1.03 - 1.61 ), Environment safety ( OR = 1.32,95 % CI : 1.03 - 1.61 ), Aesthetic perception ( OR = 1.19,95 % CI : 1.02 - 1.36 ), Park green space ( OR = 1.16,95 % CI : 1.04 - 1.29 ), Residen- tial density ( OR = 1.16,95% CI : 1. 005 - 1. 318 ) and Land - use mix( OR = 1.15,95% CI : 1.00 N 1.3l ). The relationship between built environment factors and leisure time physical activity the older. There is no relation between the Street connectivity ( OR = 1.06,95 % C1:0.91 - 1.22) and Quality of pavement ( OR = 0.88,95 % C I: 0.69 - 1.06) with leisure time physical activity the older. Conclusion : The factors of the building environment can improve the amount of leisure time physical activity of the old people. These vital factors are followings: Traffic safety, Destination accessibility, Environment safety, Aesthetic perception, Park green space, Residen- tial density and Land-use mix; Meanwhile, street connectivity and pavement quality are not core key factors to the leisure time physical activity of the old people. We call for our government and the relevant departments can polish up the public policy to ameliorate the building environmental factors, thereupon then, to improve the a- mount of leisure time physical activity of the old people. And it does good to developing the healthy level of the old, which can also reduce the health risks and hidden dangers caused by aged tendency of population.
作者 张清华 ZHANG Qing-hua(School of Sports, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, Shandong 273165, China)
出处 《体育研究与教育》 2017年第2期95-102,共8页 Sports Research and Education
关键词 老年人 休闲性体力活动 建成环境 META分析 elderly leisure time physical activity built environment meta-analysis
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