
半闭式空间内冷却塔群周围气流组织模拟分析 被引量:3

Simulation Analysis of Air Flow around Cooling Tower Group in Semi Closed Space
摘要 为解决半闭式空间内冷却塔群排风返混影响冷却塔换热效率问题,根据实际工程案例,提出了"有组织排风"的冷却塔排风方案。应用CFD技术数值模拟了"有组织排风"方案下半闭式空间内冷却塔群周围气流组织,获得了气流组织分布。发现"有组织排风"方案下半闭式空间内冷却塔排风能够顺利排至室外,减少了半闭式空间内气流涡流的产生,确保冷却塔高效稳定地运行。 In order to solve the effect of exhaust back-mixing on thermal efficiency of cooling towers in the semi-closed space, the organized air exhaust scheme of cooling towers was proposed according to the actual engineering case. Through the numerical simulation of air distribution in semi-closed space under the organized air exhaust scheme, the air distribution around cooling tower group was obtained. The exhaust air of cooling towers can be expelled from the semi-closed space smoothly with the organization of air exhaust, and the generation of air swirl in the semi-closed space was reduced. Therefore, it ensures that the cooling towers operate efficient and stable.
出处 《建筑热能通风空调》 2017年第5期75-77,53,共4页 Building Energy & Environment
关键词 冷却塔 气流组织 CFD 有组织排风 cooling tower, air distribution, CFD, organized air exhaust
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