目的通过对SCI论文在医院的价值认知定位进行利弊分析,引导科研工作者正确认识SCI。方法通过电话、微信的方式调查18家医疗卫生机构是否将SCI论文列为职称评定、奖励的重要指标;通过现场发放问卷的方式调查4所医院221名医、药、技人员对SCI论文及作为评价指标的看法、临床实践转化的认知程度。结果 18家单位均将SCI论文列为职称评定、奖励的重要指标;221名被调查人员中为职称考核做准备的占50.7%;认为评价指标有合理性,但不是唯一的占59.3%;对SCI论文的实践转化不了解的占49.7%。结论 SCI论文能促进医院科研发展、提高个人科研能力,具有作为评价指标的合理性之优势,同时,也造成诱导学术科研的功利之心和歪曲SCI学术价值本质之弊端。
Objective To guide people to form a correct understanding of SCI papers by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the value cognition of the SCI papers in hospitals. Methods Through telephones and WeChat, 18 medical institutions were investigated about the application of SCI papers as an important indicator of professional title evaluation or reward. 221 medical personnel were surveyed about their opinion of SCI papers as evaluation index and the cognitive degree clinical transformation of SCI papers by questionnaires. Results All the 18 units took SCI papers as an important indicator of professional title evaluation or reward. Among the medical personnel, 50.7% of them were preparing for professional examination, and 59.3% of them reported that SCI papers were reasonable as evaluation index but not the only indicator, and 49.7% of them did not understand the clinical transformation of SCI papers. Conclusion The SCI papers have some advantages such as promoting the development of scientific research in hospitals, improving the individual ability of scientific research, and can be used as an evaluation index. However, the SCI papers can also induce the utilitarianism in academic research and distort the academic essence of SCI papers.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army