民粹主义是一种极富空想色彩的社会思潮。自胡绳先生提出 :“毛泽东染有民粹主义色彩”这一论点以来 ,既得到了理论界部分人的支持 ,又受到了理论界部分人的尖锐批驳。只有通过对民粹主义全面而准确的把握及对毛泽东在民主革命时期的思想和社会主义建设时期的思想的正确认识 ,才能对毛泽东是否染有民粹主义的问题进行科学的界定。
The argument that the late Chairman Mao Zedong had the doctrine of Mincui which had been forwarded by Mr. Hu Shen was supported, but on the other hand it was acutely criticized in the theoretical circle. The doctrine of Mincui was a fanciful social trend of thought. The doctrine of Mincui and the thoughts of Mao Zedong during the period of democratic revolution and the socialism construction should be accurately and thoroughly understood so that the issue whether Mao Zedong had the doctrine of Mincui would be resolved in a scientific way.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)