
多功能组网雷达可变参数任务规划方法 被引量:2

Variable Parameter Scheduling of Tasks for Multifunctional Radar Network
摘要 针对任意周期雷达任务(侦查、干扰、探测等)在多功能组网雷达中的规划问题,提出了一种可变参数的任务规划方法。首先,分析雷达任务特性,建立可变参数雷达任务模型。然后,设定组网雷达中各雷达任务规划时间窗宽度和开槽宽度,使组网雷达可执行任务的周期与现有任务周期最接近。接着,针对雷达任务任意周期的特点,以任务周期变化量最小为原则对任务周期进行调整,保证多个任务在同一部雷达中不重叠,并且具有周期性。最后,利用启发式算法,以任务驻留时间的平均隶属度最大为目标完成任务规划。仿真结果与实例证明了该方法的有效性。 In this paper, a variable parameter task scheduling method for muhifunctional radar network is proposed. The tasks with random periods can be scheduled on muhifunctional radar network. Firstly, characteristics of radar tasks are analyzed, and a model of radar task is constructed. Then, the widths of scheduling time windows and slots in radar network are determined, so that the periods satisfying radar network are most similar to the periods of existing tasks. In order to ensure that several tasks can be sched- uled in radar periodically without overlap, the periods of tasks are altered based on the minimal task period deviation. Finally, tasks are scheduled in multifunctional radar network by using heuristic algorithm. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by some simulation results.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期40-45,共6页 Modern Radar
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61501083 61201276 61301266) 中央高校基本科研业务经费(ZYGX2015KYQD056 ZYGX2013J012 ZYGX2014J013 ZYGX2014Z005)
关键词 多功能组网雷达 任务规划 可变参数 任意周期 muhifunctional radar network task scheduling variable parameter random period
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