自 196 5年新加坡从马来西亚分离出来后 ,人民行动党政府为谋求各种族间的和睦相处 ,建设多种族的现代化国家 ,在种族问题上推行多种族文化民主原则。这一原则的确立是行动党针对当时特殊的时代背景 ,权衡利弊后的结果 ,是新加坡种族管理的出发点和归宿点。
Since the departure from Malaysia in 1965, the People's Action Party of Singapore (PAP) has advocated the Culture Democracy Principle on ethnic issues to seek for peace among races and a multiracial modern country. The Principle is the result of PAP's analysis on the circumanstances both at home and abroad. It is the founding principle of the PAP's ethnic management.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)