互联网是一种全新的革命性的技术 ,它在创造着一种新型的文化 ,并在不断地改变着人类的生存状态与生存观念 ,同时带来了一些新的社会问题困扰着人类。但是 ,人类最终会理智而又有效地解决已经和将会面临的一切问题 ,成为自己所创造的工具的主人。
Modern communication is a new and revolutionary technology. It has been creating a new type of culture, and changing human's life and ideas. Simultaneously, it has also been producing new social problems for human kind. However, human being has dealt and will deal with all these problems in a reasonable and effective way, and becomes the master of the tool created by himself.
Journal of Xiangtan Normal University(Social Science Edition)