
书院文献编纂与尊朱辟王实践——以瀛山书院为中心的讨论 被引量:3

Respecting Zhu and Defaming Wang in Academy Literature Compilation——In Yingshan Academy as the Center of Discussion
摘要 瀛山书院源于北宋詹氏书堂,至南宋詹仪之以理学名世,遂有朱熹往来辨析大学之旨,朱子学说成为书院学统。隆庆二年,王畿门人周恪任遂安县令,复建瀛山书院,倡导阳明心学。王畿、钱德洪分别撰写《瀛山书院记》与《瀛山三贤祠记》,以朱子晚年定论为突破口意在促使书院由朱子学转向阳明学。万历七年,张居正禁毁阳明讲学书院,瀛山书院终以朱子过化之地免于劫难,开启了由王返朱步伐。清前期,王学趋于黯淡,朱子理学再兴,瀛山书院逐步展开尊朱辟王实践。乾隆年间编纂的《四刻瀛山书院志》即未收王畿记文,钱德洪记文也被刻意删改。明清之际的学术嬗变同时波及当地士人,地方志也对钱、王记文加以删减、批判。 Yingshan Academy was built in Xining reign, northern Song dynasty. In southern Song, Zhan Yizhi invited Zhu Xi to the academy to discuss the purport of Daxue, and from then on, the learning of Zhu Xi had become the learning of Yingshan Academy. In 1568,Zhou Ke, the student of Wang Ji, became magistrate of Suian county. He rebuilt Yingshan Academy and invited Wang Ji and Qian Dehong to write two articles:on Yingshan Academy and on Shrine of Three Worthies in Yingshan. These two articles were not collected in their works, but reserved in Chronicles of Yanzhou prefecture and Suian county respectively. The articles both propagated Yangming Learning,in order to shift the learning of Yingshan Academy from Zhu Xi to Wang Yangming. In 1579 ,when Zhang Juzheng had been prohibiting and destroying academies, Yingshan Academy dodged a bullet because of Fang Yingshi,who insisted that it had been a saint place of Zhu Xi. It led the academy back to Zhu Xi's learning. In the early year of Qing Dynasty,with the rising up of Zhu Xi learning once again,Wang Yangming learning declined. The practice of respecting Zhu and defaming Wang had been carried out in Yingshan Academy. Wang Ji's article was not collected in Chronicle of Yingshan Academy (forth vision) in Qianlong Reign, and Qian Dehong's was deleted and modified. The academic transformation had influenced local gentry, the Chronicle of Suian County in Qing Dynasty also deleted and criticized Wang Ji's article.
作者 兰军 邓洪波
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期32-38,共7页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金重大项目:"中国书院文献整理与研究"(15ZDB036) 贵州教育厅项目:"阳明学在浙西书院的传播"(2015JD004)阶段性成果
关键词 尊朱辟王 瀛山书院 王畿 钱德洪 respecting Zhu and defaming Wang Yingshan Academy Wang Ji Qian Dehong
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