In this paper, in view of the fact that the opportunistic behaviors under information asymmetry would cause pork quality related accidents, we studied the quality incentive and contractual governance of the live pig supply chain. First, through building the internal quality penalty model, external quality loss sharing model and internal/external quality loss sharing contractual model, we proved the validity of the quality incentive and contractual governance. Then through numerical simulation, we had a sensitivity analysis of the contract which concluded that the internal/external quality loss sharing contract could better fit the long-term development demand of the pork industry; when consumer claims were raised and if the quality marginal cost was relatively high, the internal quality penalty contract could be utilized to guide the quality behaviors of the supply chain enterprises; and the inspection accuracy of third party institutions would affect the effectiveness of the external quality loss sharing contract and the internal/external quality loss sharing contract.
Logistics Technology
live pig supply chain
quality governance
incentive contract