Ci research circle enjoys comparing Liyu's works with Chen Zilong's, and it is widely believed that their writing style are very close. With the difference between their identities and the discrepancy between their creation concepts, Li Yu and Chen Zilong present their own distinct characteristics and features in the composition of Ci, a type of classical Chinese poetry, despite some similarities between their creation styles. Li's use of words is gaudy and sumptuous and Chen's lucid and elegant; Li's expression of emotion is frank and utterly sincere and Chen's mild and tactfully restrained; Li conveys the melancholy and grief of the last emperor of a dynasty lamenting his helpless plight and Chen chants the sad elegy of heroism in a declining time. Li's earlier and later works show clear differences in style, with the pieces of his later period presenting greater realms and his unique philosophic thoughts on life wept with his pure at tachment and devotion to his motherland; while Chen keeps a relatively consistent style throughout his creating career, applying the technique of Xing-- ji (metaphor and contrast) of "sweet herb and graceful beauty" (loyal vassal and his lord) and conveying the sense of responsibility of a scholar caring for the fate of his nation in each of his creation stages.
Journal of Changsha University of Science and Technology:Social Science
Li Yu
Chen Zilong
differences and similarities