目的:分析小儿麻醉诱导过程中不同浓度七氟醚的应用效果。方法:选择2011年9月至2016年9月间收治的200例小儿全身麻醉患者为研究对象。分成高浓度组和低浓度组,高浓度组患儿102例,低浓度组患儿98例。高浓度组患儿给予浓度为8%的七氟醚麻醉诱导,低浓度组给予浓度为6%的七氟醚麻醉诱导。对比麻醉前、T1(麻醉后睫毛反射消失即刻)、T2(插管前即刻)、T3(插管后即刻)、T4(插管后3 min)与T5(插管后5 min)的平均动脉压和心率变化情况。对两组患儿的不良反应发生情况进行比较。结果:麻醉前,两组患儿的平均动脉压和心率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);麻醉后T1时间段,高浓度组患儿的心率高于低浓度组(P<0.05),平均动脉压两组患儿差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。麻醉后的T2、T3、T4与T5时间段,高浓度组患儿的心率低于低浓度组,平均动脉压均小于低浓度组(P<0.05)。高浓度组患儿的不良反应发生率为4.90%,低于低浓度组患儿的14.29%(P<0.05)。结论:在小儿麻醉诱导中,浓度较高的七氟醚麻醉诱导效果更佳,能保持患儿在麻醉期间的血流动力学稳定,且不良反应少,值得推广。
Objective: To analyze and evaluate the application effect of sevoflurane of different concentration in the process of pediatric anesthesia induction.Methods: A total of 200 pediatric patients with general anesthesia,who were admitted between September 2011 and September 2016,were selected as the research subjects and divided into group A( n = 102) and group B( n = 98). Patients in group A received 8% sevoflurane anesthesia induction and patients in group B received 6% sevoflurane anesthesia induction. The mean arterial pressures and heart rate changes of pre-anesthesia,T1( eyelash reflex disappearance time immediately post-anesthesia),T2( immediately pre-intubation),T3( immediately post-intubation),T4( 3 min post-intubation) and T5( 5 min post-intubation) were compared between the two groups. Adverse reactions of patients in the two groups were also compared. Results: Before anesthesia,mean arterial pressures and heart rates of the two groups showed no statistically significant difference( P〉0. 05); after anesthesia,at T1 phase,heart rates in group A were statistically significantly higher than those of group B( P〉0. 05) and mean arterial pressures showed no difference( P〈0. 05). After anesthesia,at T2,T3,T4 and T5 phases,heart rates and mean arterial pressures of group A were all statistically significantly lower than those of group B( P〈0. 05). Adverse reaction rate of group A and group B was4. 90 % and 14. 29 %,respectively,and the difference was statistically significant( P〈0. 05). Conclusion: In pediatric anesthesia induction,sevoflurane in higher concentration has better effect,which could maintain hemodynamic stability during anesthesia with less adverse reaction. It is worthy of promotion.
Journal of Baotou Medical College
Pediatric anesthesia
Anesthesia induction