The concept of 'many Wittgensteins' has caused various misunderstandings and debates between Witt- genstein interpreters. In this paper, the author reviews the debate between Hacker and Moyal-Sharrock concerning The Third Wittgenstein. Based on Hacker' s ' holistic' view of Wittgenstein' s philosophy and the periodization of his philosophical development, the author repudiates the notion of ' many Wittgensteins. ' The author argues that there are many contradictions about the notions themselves. By proposing any of these concepts, we are playing the game of counting Wittgenstein. The author advances two reasons for the emergence of these interpretations on Witt- genstein. First, there are various opinions on the periodization of Wittgenstein' s philosophical development. Sec- ond, these views stem from the disagreements between 'Three Wittgenstein Interpretation Schools' and the corre- sponding ' Three approaches to Interpreting Wittgenstein. ' In response to these disagreements, the author advances a notion of ' one Wittgenstein' and the continuity of Wittgenstein' s philosophy, and identifies the significance of Waismann' s philosophy in understanding Wittgenstein' s philosophy during his period of transition.
Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology