近年来,随着政府财政上的窘境,政府社会福利供给的角色不断退却,转而代之的是社会福利民营化的兴起;又加上人口结构的老化,对高龄者的照顾成为政府与社会的负担。为了因应此趋势,透过政府与志愿者及社区部门(voluntary and community sector,VCS)建立伙伴关系提供公共服务,以公私合伙的方式提供养老的初级照顾,促成在地化养老,已是台湾服务输送模式的主流,社区照顾关怀据点(以下简称据点)政策的推动是此风潮最具体的实践之一。自台湾地区2005年"六星计划"推动以来,以在地的社区发展协会或村里办公处为受托单位,至今已经成立了2457个据点(截至2015年10月为止),也成为未来推动长期照顾政策的重要基石。然综观公共行政过去的研究,大多站在政府中心思维,以委托代理理论,检视伙伴关系在服务输送产生的效益,或是志愿者与社区部门该如何承担责任与扮演好服务输送的角色,得出"受托单位的怠惰是造成政府推动社会服务契约失灵"的结论,却鲜少从受托组织的立场评估公私合伙关系的良窳。此外,据点政策推动至今,也未曾对合伙模式进行系统性的评估与检讨。基于上述问题,本研究以2015年台湾地区全部的据点作为研究母体,设计公私合伙关系问卷进行调查,探究受托单位如何看待据点政策下的合伙关系。本研究具体贡献如下:一、如实呈现受托组织对在社区照顾关怀据点合伙服务成效上的认知;二、厘清公私合伙问题的本质,更全面的角度检视政府与受托组织在据点政策服务输送上的关系,并提供相关建议。
In an age of fiscal constraints and citizens' growing demands, contracting-out and public-private partnership(PPP) have been seen as one of the best strategies to cope with the challenges. Hence, the collaborative mechanism such as welfare mix in service delivery recently has become a popular theme in public administration and social policy and effective partnership is important for service provision. However, most scholars stand upon the viewpoint of'government-centred'to discuss how to reduce the cost by monitoring the firm or voluntary and community sector(VCS), entirely neglect the possibility that government is trouble maker for partnership failure. This paper attempts to answer that how transaction cost posed by government might lead to the service failure by investigating the community care station in Tainan city. In regard to methodology, 23 community care stations sampled to represent all stations in Tainan area and both questionnaire and in-deep interview are applied to collection data. The finding indicates that one-way communication between the government and station, government staff turnover, and the annual assessment for stations are main factors to impact on the effectiveness of the community care station. Thus, in order to reach the goal of effective PPP in service delivery, it can be argued that the transaction cost posed by the government and by the firm should pay equal attention to evaluate and manage well.
Journal of Social Work
"国家科学委员会"专题委托计划(编号:NSC 101-2628-H-024-001-MY3)