The development of science from 18th century has been influenced profoundly by Newton's discoveries. Although the influence of cosmology and religions of Newton on subsequent science and ethical is still under discussion, it is no wonder that the ideological system and mode of thinking of Newton are widely applied in all intelligent domains. For Economics as a branch of social science, the proper motion system (invisible hand) built by Adam Smith realized the theory of social science. Through his relative documents and correspondences, Adam Smith considered as the founder of economics was not only familiar with philosophical thoughts of Newton, but also tried to apply natural science thinking of Newton to his academic sectors. Thus, making a contrast between Newton's system and the economic theory built by Adam Smith based on origin of self-interest and regarding it as a try to explain the complicated social order by a kind of abstract social principle is reasonable. This study dissects the influence of thoughts and research methods of Newton on research of Adam Smith.
Review of Economy and Management