
降压药处方用药情况分析 被引量:6

Analysis of prescription of antihypertensive drugs
摘要 目的分析探讨高血压患者用药情况和用药合理性,为高血压患者临床用药提供参考依据。方法抽取医院门诊处方30 781张,其中抗高血压药物处方3 019张。按照中国卫生部2005年颁布的《临床用药须知》对降压药进行分类及各类药物处方的比例进行统计;根据我国有关标准,统计处方中联合用药处方的数量,并对处方的合理性进行分析。根据国际上通用的药物统计方法,统计各种降压类药物的DDDs(日用药人数限定日剂量)、DDD(不同药物的限定日剂量)、DUI(药物利用指数)。结果发现降压药在医院门诊用药中占重要地位;钙离子通道阻滞剂类药物使用频率最高,其他门诊药物有血管紧张素Ⅱ-受体拮抗剂、利尿剂、β-受体阻滞剂、血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,患者对其需求量呈依次递增趋势;联合用药情况在高血压处方中占一定比例。结论该院门诊针对高血压患者提供的降压类药物符合相关标准,具有一定的合理性;但也发现临床使用降压类药物中存在着不足和缺点。 Objective Analyze and discuss the medication and medication rationality in order to provide a reference for clinical medication in the process of treatment of hypertensive patients. Methods Select 3 019 antihypertensive drugs pre- scription out of 30 781 hospital outpatient prescription. The "clinical medication tips" promulgated by Chinese health depart- ment has classified antihypertensive drugs and statistically analysed the proportion of various types of drug prescriptions. Ac- cording to Chinag relevant standards, among the prescriptions, the number of combination prescription has been statistically re- corded, and rationality of these prescriptions has been studied. DDDs ( daily dose limit ), DDD ( limited daily dose of different drugs ), DUI ( drug use index) were counted according to internationally accepted drug statistical methods. Results It is found that antihypertensive drugs in hospital outpatient medication accounted for an important position;calcium channel blockers drug use occupied the highest frequency;Other outpatient drugs have angiotensin. The demand of patients for receptor antagonist, di- uretics, β-blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were increasing in order;combined use of drugs in the prescription of hypertension accounted for a certain percentage. Conclusion Antihypertensive drugs prescribed by the hospital outpatient for patients with hypertension meet the relevant criteria, but there were still some shortcomings for the clinical use of antihyper- tensive drugs.
作者 范娜 任雅丽
出处 《临床合理用药杂志》 2017年第14期1-2,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rational Drug Use
关键词 抗高血压药 处方分析 合理用药 联合用药 Antihypertensive drugs Analysis of prescription Rational drug use Drug combination
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