
4个苹果观赏品系开花、授粉习性及花粉管萌发的荧光显微观察 被引量:4

Flowering and Pollination Habit and Fluorescence Microexamination of Pollen Tube Germination of Four Ornamental Apple Strains
摘要 花量大、亲和性好的授粉品种对于苹果的连年丰产和果实品质有重要意义。本试验以4个观赏性好的杂交后代品系为试材,观察其开花、授粉习性,并通过花粉管原位萌发及坐果率调查,评价其与‘嘎啦’、‘富士’苹果的亲和性,以期筛选高效的授粉品种。结果如下:4个品系花量大、颜色鲜艳,始花期均比‘富士’、‘嘎啦’等栽培品种早4~6 d,开花持续时间15~20 d。4种花粉给‘嘎啦’和‘富士’授粉后,花粉在富士苹果柱头上的萌发率及在花柱中的生长速度优于‘嘎啦’苹果,表现出更好的亲和性。授粉24 h后,4种花粉在柱头上均有大量花粉萌发,萌发率均在72%以上,萌发量由大到小为S14>S69>R15>S44。授粉72 h后花粉的萌发率均达到最大值,S44和R15花粉管生长到花柱长度的1/2处,S14和S69花粉管生长至花柱3/4处。授粉120 h后,S44和R15花粉的花粉管长至花柱3/4处,而S14和S69花粉几乎到达了花柱的基部。168 h后,4种花粉均生长至柱头最基部胚囊内。4个品系与‘嘎啦’、‘富士’授粉的坐果率均在62.4%以上,S14和S69花粉授粉后坐果率较高,其次为S44,R15坐果率最低。‘富士’苹果坐果率优于对应的‘嘎啦’苹果。以上结果初步表明4个品系可以作为观赏苹果以及授粉品种,有较好的推广应用前景。 The pollination varieties with large amount of flowers and good compatibility have important significance to the high yield and fruit quality of apple. Four apple hybrid offsprings with good ornamental characteristics were used as materials to observe the habit of flowering and pollination. The situ pollen tube germination and fruit setting rate were also investigated to evaluate the sexual compatibility with ' Gala' and ' Fuji' apple. The results showed that the flowers of the four strains had large numbers and bright color. The early flowering season of the four strains were 4 - 6 days earlier than that of ' Gala' and ' Fuji' apple, and the flower season lasted normally for 15 - 20 days. The pollen germination rate in 'Fuji' stigma and growth rate in style were superior to ' Gala' ,which showed better compatibility in ' Fuji'. A large amount of pollen germina- ted after pollination for 24 hours, and the germination rates were more than 72%. The order of pollen germi- nation number was S14 〉 $69 〉 R15 〉 $44. The pollen germination reached the maximum after pollination for 72 hours ; at this time, the pollen tube of $44 and R15 extended into 1/2 of style, while that of S14 and $69 extended into 3/4. The pollen tube of $44 and R15 reached the 3/4 of style after 120 hours, while that of S14 and $69 passed through to the bottom of style. All the four kinds of pollen entered the ovary after 168 hours. The fruit setting rate of ' Gala' and ' Fuji' pollinated with the four hybrid offspring strains were more than 62. 4%. The fruit setting rate of S14 and $69 were higher followed by $44, and that of R15 was the lowest. The fruit setting rate of ' Fuji' apple was better than that of corresponding ' Gala'. This study proved that the four hybrid offspring strains could be used as ornamental apple as well as pollination varieties with better prospect of popularization and application.
出处 《山东农业科学》 2017年第5期34-38,45,共6页 Shandong Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31372032) 国家现代苹果产业技术体系项目(CARS-28) 山东省"泰山学者"建设工程项目 青岛市民生科技计划项目(15-9-2-99-nsh) 应用型人才培养特色名校建设工程大学生科技创新项目
关键词 观赏苹果 红肉苹果 授粉树 花粉萌发 亲和性 Ornamental apple Red flesh apple Pollination tree Pollen germination Compatibility
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