为了加快长柄扁桃花器官特异种质选择进程并与榆叶梅花进行区分,对位于蒙陕交界处327份野生长柄扁桃种质资源的花器官性状进行了统计分析。结果表明,野生长柄扁桃的花器官表型变异类型较丰富,其中花瓣宽的变异最大,其变异系数为0.25。按照花的高度可分为6个类型,以中等(11.95~13.59 mm)为主,占总数的34%;花冠径分为6个类型,以较宽(22.66~25.99 mm)为主,占36%;花瓣长可分5个类型,以较长(10.44~12.06 mm)类为主,占37%;花瓣宽分5个类型,以中等(7.29~8.85 mm)为主,占总数的30%;雄蕊数量分5个类型,以较少(20~24个)为主,占总数的48%;雄蕊长度分为6个类型,以较长(9.25~10.88 mm)为主,占总数的26%;雌蕊长度分6个类型,以中等(8.55~9.63 mm)为主,占总数的21%;长柄扁桃的花色可分为4类,分别是白色、浅粉色、粉色和粉红色,其中以粉红色为多,占81.5%。长柄扁桃以单生的单瓣粉红花为主,可据此与榆叶梅的重瓣粉红花1~2朵复生为主要区别特征。
In order to shorten the breeding process at flower organ phenotype in Amygdalus pcdunculata and determine the difference with A. triloba, characteristics of flower organs from 327 germplasm resources at the borde place of Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi were studied. The results showed that the phenotypic variation of flower organs in wild A. pcdunculata was abundant. In diversity of flower organs, the difference of petal length was the biggest, and the variable coefficient reached 0.25. Flower height was divided into six types, and the main type was the middle (11.95-13.59 ram), accounting for 34%. Corolla diameter was divided into six types, and the main type was the little wide (22.66-25.99 mm), accounting for 36%. Petal length was divided into five types, and the main type was the little long (10.44-12.06 mm), accounting for 37%. Petal wide was divided into five types, and the main type was the middle (7.29-8.85 turn), accounting for 30%. Stamen number was divided into five types, and the main type was the less (20-24), accounting for 48%. Stamen length was divided into six types, and the main type was the little long (9.25-10.88 mrn), accounting for 26%. Pistil length was divided into six types, and the main type was the middle (8.55-9.63 mm), accounting for 21%. Flower color was divided into four types, including white, light pink, pink and deep pink, and the main color was the pink, and the ratio reached 81.5%. Most flowers in A. pcdunculata was solitary simple flower with deep pink petals, it was the significant differences from compound double flowers with deep pink petals in A. triloba.
Non-wood Forest Research
Amygdalus pcdunculata
germplasm resources
flower organ
phenotypic diversity