目的观察去卵巢骨质疏松大鼠颌骨及股骨来源的骨髓间充质干细胞增殖及成骨分化能力的差异。方法雌性SD大鼠双侧卵巢切除建立骨质疏松模型。培养正常和骨质疏松状态下大鼠颌骨及股骨来源的骨髓间充质干细胞。观察细胞形态,进行MTT和CCK-8实验比较四组干细胞的增殖能力。制备四组干细胞膜片与TCP复合进行大网膜移植,术后6w行组织学观察。结果去卵巢组BMSCs在同等时间条件下与未去卵巢组比较,初期增殖速度无显著性差异,3 d后增殖速度则慢于健康组(P<0.05)。颌骨和股骨BMSCs在健康骨质环境下,细胞的OD值各时间段均未出现统计学差异;骨质疏松状态下颌骨来源BMSCs后期的增殖能力明显优于股骨来源的BMSCs(P<0.05);四种膜片的大网膜移植结果显示体内移植6w后在的TCP诱导下均可形成不均质的矿化物沉积和纤维样组织穿通,似牙周膜/牙骨质复合体样结构;去卵巢组和未去卵巢组颌骨来源BMSCs组较同等条件下股骨来源BMSCs再生矿化物能力强,牙骨质/牙周膜样复合体的形成更满意。结论骨质疏松对BMSCs的增殖和分化可能存在着部位因素影响且具有一定的时间依赖性。
Objective To and observe the proliferative capacity and osteogenic differentiation osteoporotic of the bone was marrowmesenchymal stem cells from the mandible the femur of ovariectomized from rats.Methods The model established in female was SD rats(mBMSCs)and cell(fBMSCs).Cell Four ovariectomy.MTT BMSCs tests were were extracted performed the mandible the femur by morphology sheets observed.and CCK-8 to evaluate the proliferative weeks capacity.kinds of cell were fabricated and the transplanted osteoporotic from into rats the greater omentum with TCP block for 6 to evaluate the osteogenic compared capacity.Result BMSCs from showed the lower the growth tendency along with the culture duration that to in cells the healthy controls.and The OD group cell values(the mBMSCs showed higher results proliferative capacity sheets compared fabricated to by of the fBMSCs kinds osteoporotic healthy that P〈0.05).In mBMSCs vivo could transplantation regenerate of the cell the four of also showed the sheet sheets of of more periodontium/cemtum-like structure compared to the cell sheet of fBMSCs and cell osteoporotic group.Conclusion Osteoporosis could down-regulate the biological activity of BMSCs with time-and locationdependence.
Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis