
塔沟村低收入户生活现状调查 被引量:1

Aninvestigation into the current situation of low-income households at Tagou in Beijing
摘要 【目的】为响应全国及北京市精准扶贫号召,深入了解贫困户生活现状及脱贫需求,进而提高扶贫的效果。【方法】在定性预调研和应用问卷定量调研的基础上,对京郊贫困村的一个典型代表——密云区新城子镇塔沟村的所有低收入户,进行一对一的全面访问,并进一步对该村低收入户的生产生活现状进行统计分析。【结果】该贫困村中,老年人口所占比例较大且劳动力少;因病、因残及年龄大而无劳动能力是导致收入低的主要原因;领取养老保险金或离退休金以及各种补助金,是低收入户从政府获得收入的主要来源;第三产业和第一产业净收入是产业经营收入的主要来源;全村农业耕地上,种植面积较大的作物以甘薯和玉米为主,甘薯是该村近年来第一产业发展的重点;居住条件方面,低收入户的住房以砖木结构为主,没有危房,有线电视已接通但宽带尚未接通。帮扶需求上,有劳动能力的群体需要产业扶持、农村实用技能培训、转移就业技能培训、推荐就业等产业扶贫方式;无劳动能力的老弱病残群体,更需要老年人救助和医疗求助。【结论】政府扶贫方面,针对老弱病残群体,重点开展生活和医疗补助等救济式扶贫;对有劳动能力的家庭,注重提供公益岗位并结合产业扶贫,促进低收入户增收;基础设施建设上,重点解决宽带入户和生产生活用水困难等问题。北京市创新团队或专家扶贫方面,重点提供生产和就业技能培训等智力支持,帮助有劳动能力的生产者提高农业产业收入。 [Objective]In response to the central and municipal policy of precise poverty alleviation, the authors investigated the state of the poor households and their demand for poverty alleviation in order to improve the outcomes of poverty alleviation. [Methods]Based on the quantitative prediction and questionnaire, the authors interviewed the low-income households at Tagou, Xinchengzi Town of Miyun District, a typical poor village in the suburbs of Beijing,talked to them one by one, and took a statistical analysis of their production and living.[Results]In this village, the proportion of elder people is very large, which means less labors.No ability to work resulting from illness, disability and old age are the main causes of low income. Old-age pensions, retirement payments or other grants are the main income of the low-income households. The net income of the third and first industries is the main source of productive income. Corn and sweet potato account for the largest area of the agricultural land in the village. The sweet potato is the priority of the first industry in recent years. Low-income households' houses are safe and mainly made of brick and wood. The cable is connected but the broadband is not connected to their houses.In regard to the support requirement, people having ability to work need industrial support, practical training skills and employment training, employment recommendation, and so on. For the people who can not work, elderly and medical assistance is more urgent. [ConclusionIIn terms of policies of poverty alleviation, the focus should be on the poverty relief, such as offering life and medical subsidies for the illness, disability, and old people.Public welfare jobs should be provided for the low-income households who are able to work combined with industry poverty alleviation to increase their income.As for infrastructure, the broadband con- necting and water supply for production and living should be settled.Related experts and innovation teams can provide the production and employment skills training to help producers hunt for more sources of income.
出处 《北京农学院学报》 2017年第3期109-112,共4页 Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture
基金 粮经作物产业技术体系北京市创新团队建设专项资助(BAIC09-2017) 北京市"菜篮子"新型生产经营主体科技能力提升工程(2017-2019))
关键词 精准扶贫 产业扶贫 智力扶贫 政府救济 accurate poverty alleviation industrial poverty alleviation intellectual poverty alleviation Government relief
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