Micro-anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR)thin-film sensor can be regarded as the main sensor to detect the magnetic'field.The problem that low sensitivity and low linearity of external magnetic sensor for weak magnetic field was low in this paper .The magnetoresistance shape of the micro-magnetic sensor was analyzed, ANSYS software was used to simulate corresponding magnetic sensor, then results were verified by experiments.Experiments show that the designed thin film sensor has good magnetic field linearity and sensitivity, which can be used to improve the measurement accuracy of weak magnetic field.Changing electrode structure, using the Barber bias electrode,the linearity of the AMR sensor is optimized when offset angle is 45°. Designing magnetic resistance for the angle model at both ends,the magnetic anisotropy of the strip is enhanced along the length direction of the film surface,thus improving the sensitivity of the sensor.The results of this research can provide a reference for the structure design and optimization of micro-anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR)thin-film sensor.
Instrument Technique and Sensor