
利用鱼眼视图的轨迹可视化方法 被引量:2

Fisheye-view-based visualization of trajectory data
摘要 地理信息轨迹的可视分析中往往在一个较大的尺度下进行,但传统的数据可视化方法在大尺度下可能导致重要信息被用户忽略。为了更好地为可视分析提供信息,文中提出了一种利用鱼眼视图在大尺度下对地理信息轨迹细节进行放大的方法。在大尺度下可视化中,采用指数函数构建多个鱼眼视图,并将利用这些鱼眼视图对包含细节信息较多的一些高密度轨迹地理区域进行放大,从而强化在大尺度下被弱化的轨迹信息;同时在提高图像空间利用率以及节点密度均匀的布局准则下,利用不同地理区域的轨迹密度的相对比例对多个鱼眼区域进行布局。结果表明,通过使用鱼眼视图,在大尺度下被弱化的细节信息被显著强化,使得可视分析用户可以在大尺度下同时兼顾细节信息。 In the visual analysis of geo-spatial trajectories, analyzing are often done in a large scale, but traditional methods of trajectory visualization often lead to the loss of some important information at such a large level. This paper proposed a new method of magnifying details in large-scale geo-spatial trajectory visualization. We constructed several fisheye lenses with exponential functions, and applied these fisheye lenses to the areas with a high density of trajectories. At the same time, based on the drawing rule that layouts should be balanced, we proposed a layout of these lenses using the rate of density to determine the radius of each lens. The results shows that details are magnified and more information are presented to analysts after the applying of fisheye lenses.
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期81-87,共7页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(41501485)~~
关键词 轨迹 数据可视化 鱼眼视图 trajectory information visualization fisheye view
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