在汽车开发过程中,噪声与振动是衡量汽车质量的一项非常重要的指标。其中,发动机产生的噪声是经常抱怨的问题。为了解决发动机机油泵噪声问题,提高客户满意度,文章以某1.3 L自然吸气汽油发动机机油泵噪声为实例,分析了噪声的频谱图特征,锁定该噪声是由机油泵转子啮合造成的,通过减小机油泵内转子与驱动链轮配合的间隙和提高机油泵转子安装腔体的刚度和模态频率,降低了噪声,为解决机油泵噪声问题提供了一种思路。
Noise and vibration is a very important target in vehicle development, which decides the vehicle quality. And engine noise is frequently complained. Resolving the engine noise is an important part in improving customer satisfaction. Taking a 1.3L NA engine oil pump as an example, this paper introduces the characteristics of noise map. It is found that the noise is from oil pump. Decreasing the fit clearance between oil pump inner rotor and driving sprocket and improving the oil pump shell stiffness and modal frequency reduces the noise. In the paper, a new idea is introduced to decrease oil pump noise.
Automotive Engineer