John Rawls assumes that in the original state, the free, equal, moral and rational people would stand behind the veil of ignorance, after extensive consultation and discussion, make a rational choice to accept the principle of justice as fairness as the most reasonable one. Then, that principle has been established. For this justifieaion strategy, critics quest its authenticity and validity. When people take the principle of justice as the original contract, it is not a real contract. As Rawls' s conception of justice as fairness is just a personal opinion, not an authoritative principle, Rawls has to confront the "justification/acceptance paradox'of his conception on the principles of justice. The principles of justice is the core of Rawls political philosophy. It is an important task of the current political philosophy to study the following issue, how should we justify the principles of justice, and to explore the potantial paths from political sciences or economics to those principles, and to promote the theory of justice after Rawls. And it will be a new direction to prove those principles in light of not a philosophical justification but a scientific one.
Journal of Central China Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences