在竞争日益激烈的社会中.大多数人过于强调知识的灌输和应试的重要性,却忽略了教育的真正意义。上世纪80年代.美国曾有一位小学老师.先后受到里根和老布什两任总统邀请出任教育部部长,但均婉言谢绝.每次她的回答都一样:“抱歉,总统先生.我只属于教室。”Marva Collins因成功让问题学生接受教育而闻名。
"To be human, and to realize we are learning every day. None of us has all the answers. That's why Socrates (苏格拉底)is such a favorite of mine,‘I know nothing.' I think every day we're born anew, and not to be afraid to make mistakes. And I say that to the children: It's the blank (空白的) sheets of paper I worry about, not the errors."
English Language Learning