很多已经投运的循环流化床锅炉在运行中暴露出炉底进风不均匀、排渣不畅通的问题,不仅影响锅炉床温稳定,也影响炉膛内压力的稳定,进而降低了锅炉运行的安全性和可靠性。针对目前国内投运的某大型循环流化床锅炉135~200 MW机组级别,从点火、布风及排渣方面进行研究,进而稳定床温,床压及炉膛内部压力,以达到锅炉安全、连续、稳定运行的目的。
Many Circulating Fluidized Bed(CFB) boilers which has been put into operationexpose problems like bottom inlet air nonuniform , slag flow impeded , not only afect the boiler bed temperature stability , also afect the stability of the pressure in fur-nace , and then , reduces the boiler running safety and reliability. In view of the present domestic operation of a large level of 135- 220 MW CFB boiler , fromthe aspects of ignition , the windand slag discharge , to stabilize bedtemperature , internal pressure of furnacc , to achieve the purpose of safe, continuous and stable operation of boilers.
REN Yaping(China Western Power Industrial Co., Ltd.,ZiGong 643001,China)
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