
刘易斯与乔伊斯的“反合作”关系 被引量:1

The “Anticollaborative” Relationships between Wyndham Lewis and James Joyce
摘要 刘易斯与乔伊斯这对文坛上的"死敌"之间的"反合作"关系既对立又合作,是两次世界大战之间英美现代主义文学发展过程中不同理念和路径的强力碰撞。乔伊斯从刘易斯对自己作品的无情鞭挞中听到了不同的声音,看到了不同的视角,这对其提高和完善写作技巧不无益处;乔伊斯作为反击而在《芬尼根的守灵夜》中大量影射、戏仿刘易斯的哲学理念和作品内容,不仅丰富了该小说的写作素材,也提升了其思想深度;刘易斯的乔伊斯评论,不仅激发了乔伊斯的创作灵感,也提出了诸多后人无法回避的观点,更首创了对乔伊斯作品进行文化批评的视角和方法,在客观上为打造一个开放、包容的乔伊斯研究空间奠定了基础。 The "anticollaborative" relationships, which manifested themselves in both antagonism and cooperation, between Wyndham Lewis and James Joyce, a pair of "dead enemies" in the literary arena, were powerful clashes between the different conceptions and approaches in the development of Anglo-American literary modernism between the two World Wars. In Lewis's relentless blasts against his works, Joyce heard different voices, learned about different perspectives, which were beneficial to the improvement of his literary techniques. Joyce's countless parodies against Lewis's philosophical concepts and literary works in his Finnegans Wake not only enriched his writing materials, but also augmented the theoretical depth of his novel. Moreover, Lewis's cultural critique of Joyce initiated critical approaches that later critics could never avoid, upon which a more open and inclusive Joyce Studies can be built.
作者 周汶
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期8-17,共10页 Foreign Literature
关键词 刘易斯 乔伊斯 “反合作”关系 现代主义 Wyndham Lewis, James Joyce, the "anticollaborative" relationship,Modernism
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