张勇哭了?2017年1月25日,阿里巴巴集团组织部召开年度大会,结束之后开了个party,大家一起唱歌跳舞做游戏。轮到CEO张勇(花名逍遥子),他走上台去,献上一曲《You raise me up》,一曲唱罢,坐在前排的一些阿里人发现,张勇眼中泛着泪光。
If' Jack Ma is an eloquent and charismatic FT,Zhang Yong is like an Al coming from the future.He has hacked a way out of hell for Alibaba.Jack Ma handed the burden of CEO over to Zhang Yong since two years ago.lack Ma then is in charge of dreaming,Zhang Yong is responsible for implement.'Thinking is far from action.' He has to make a way for Alibaba.However,unmatching to his influential title-the Alibaba CEO,Zhang Yong is still keep a low-key file.
China Entrepreneur