

On defect treatment of anti-scouring concrete
摘要 水工泄洪建筑物泄洪流量大、流速高,对抗冲磨混凝土的质量要求高,其质量缺陷处理对保证建筑物的安全运行至关重要。本文结合长河坝水电站泄洪建筑物抗冲磨混凝土缺陷的处理方式,总结了施工经验,供其他工程参考。 Hydraulic flood discharge buildings are characterized by large spillway flow and high flow velocity. High quality requirements are proposed for anti-scouring concrete. The quality defect treatment is critical for the safe operation of buildings. In the paper, the defect treatment method of anti-scouring concrete in Changheba Hydropower Station overflow structures is combined. Construction experience is summarized which can be used as reference for other projects.
作者 王洪超
出处 《水利建设与管理》 2017年第4期3-7,共5页 Water Conservancy Construction and Management
关键词 抗冲磨混凝土 缺陷处理 长河坝水电站 anti-scouring concrete defect treatment Changheba Hydropower Station
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