
王振涛教授辨治病毒性心肌炎的经验浅析 被引量:3

Analysis on the Experience of Professor Wang Zhentao in the Treatment of Viral Myocarditis
摘要 病毒性心肌炎是由病毒感染心肌引起急性、慢性心肌炎症病变,心肌局限或弥漫性的变性、坏死及纤维化。本病发病较为隐匿,多有感冒或肠道感染病史,且常易于反复发作,病情多进行性进展,可致心肌重塑等病理改变,出现各种心律失常、心力衰竭或演变成扩张型心肌病。西医治疗该病缺乏特异方法,多采用对症治疗。中医学中无"病毒性心肌炎"这一病名,但依据患者症状及体征,多归属于"心悸""怔忡""胸痹"等范畴,从病因角度分析可属"温病"范畴,中医药在病毒性心肌炎的防治方面具有一定优势,王振涛教授从医30余年,对心血管内科各种病症,擅长中西医结合治疗,尤其对病毒性心肌炎和扩张型心肌病有独到见解,临床经验颇为丰富。笔者有幸跟师门诊,常临导师心得教诲,在疾病认识及诊治方面受益匪浅,现将导师对病毒性心肌炎中医辨治经验浅析于下。 The viral myoearditis is caused by a virus infection myocardial acute and chronic myocardial inflammatory lesion, loealized or diffuse degeneration, necrosis and fibrosis. The disease incidence is relatively hidden, there are many colds or intestinal infection history, and often easy to break out repeatedly, more progressive progression can cause myocardial remodeling and other pathological changes, appears all sorts of arrhythmia, heart failure, or turned into DCM. Western medicine in the treatment of the disease lacks specific methods and symptomatic treatment. There is no " viral myocarditis" in TCM, but according to the patient's symptoms and signs, it belongs to " palpitation" , " sever palpitation" and " obstruction of heartache" category. From the angle of the cause analysis, it belongs to the category of " warm disease" , traditional Chinese medicine in the prevention and control of viral myocardi- tis has certain advantages. Professor Wang Zhentao deals with cardiovascular internal medieine diseases more than 30 years, is good at combining traditional Chinese and Westeru medicine treatment, especially for viral myocarditis and dilated eardiomyopathy, he has unique insights and rich clinical experience, l had the privilege of outpatient service with teacher, often by professor taught, in the aspects of diagnosis and treatment of disease knowledge and benefit a lot. Now the mentor of viral myoearditis in TCM syndrome differentiation experienee is briefly below.
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2017年第8期86-88,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
关键词 病毒性心肌炎 心悸 胸痹 中医药疗法 经验 王振涛 viral myoearditis palpitations obstruction of heartache therapy of traditional Chinese medicine experience Wang Zhen- tao
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