
美国的水权体系:原则、调适及中国借鉴 被引量:12

Water rights systems in the United States: principles,evolution and their implications for China
摘要 水权是现代水治理体系中的关键环节;合理的水权制度有助于水资源的优化配置。我国旧有的水资源管理模式中水权不明晰、水权制度尚未建立健全,因而无法适应市场经济发展和水资源高效可持续利用的需要。美国的水权制度与其发达的市场经济相适应,其经验可资借鉴。美国的水资源治理实践表明,建立在市场经济基础之上、以法律和制度为保障的水权制度,对于水资源的高效配置和可持续利用具有积极的促进作用。对水资源财产权的明晰界定是美国水权制度的基石;水权的取得及其权责范围均有明确的法律规定并受法律保护。在保护私有水权的同时,美国水权制度兼顾联邦和地方利益,同时避免外部性产生。各州对水权的确权和管理因各自人文和自然状况的差异而异,但对水资源"合理有益的使用"是各州共有的理念。美国的水治理理念正从偏重水资源的经济价值转向日渐重视水的环境及人文价值。社会公平、效率的增进、交易成本的降低是美国水权制度演进的内在动力。经历了漫长的历史演化,美国的水权管理体系已日臻成熟,但依旧存在不同层面的水权冲突,因此仍然在实践中不断修正调适。我国应学习借鉴美国水治理的有益经验,并积极探索美国经验的中国转化。本文对美国现行水权体系中水权的取得、水权的范围以及水权的变更与中止进行了系统总结,并在此基础上对中国的水权制度建设提出构想,包括:以立法确立和保障水权、建立市场导向的水价形成机制、运用水价杠杆实施有效的水资源需求管理、培育水权交易市场、构建区域性水权管理规范等。 Water rights are key to modem water governance. A rational and equitable water rights system can optimize the efficiency of water allocation. Due to an unclear and underdeveloped water rights system, water management in China failed to meet the demands of economic reforms. Water rights in the United States are well coordinated with its market economy, and its can provide valuable experience for China. Water governance in the United States shows that a system based on principle of market economy and guaranteed by rules and laws will optimize allocation and facilitate the sustainable use of water resources. Explicitly defining property rights of water resources is the cornerstone of water rights system in the United States. Acquisition of water rights and their responsibilities are clearly defined and protected by laws. When protecting private water rights, the United States water rights system balances interests between the federal and the local governments so as to avoid externalities. Authorization and management differ among states due to their natural and social conditions, but the principle of ' reasonable and beneficial use' of water resources is shared by all states. The philosophy of water governance is evolving to value water in environmental and social terms rather than strictly economic terms. Promoting social equity, improving efficiency and minimizing transaction costs are driving this evolution of water rights systems in the United States ; nevertheless there are conflicts among the different types of water rights and, in practice, water rights undergo frequent adjustments and revisions. China should integrate and localize the most valuable experiences of the United States water rights management into its own water resource governance. Based on a review of water rights systems in the United States, including approaches and procedures for authorizing, limiting, adjusting, and terminating water rights. Finally, this paper proposes measures for China to develop its own water rights system, such as authorizing and securing water rights through legislation, setting up a market - oriented water pricing mechanism, establishing a market for tradable water rights, and developing regional water laws.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期101-109,共9页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 西南财经大学双一流建设项目基金"中国西部灾害区域的人口资源环境重建与经济社会可持续发展" 国家社会科学基金项目"三江源国家生态保护综合试验区建设的体制机制优化研究"(批准号:14XJY004) 国家社会科学基金项目"我国粮食国际贸易战略研究"(批准号:14XJY004) 国家自然科学基金"空间计量经济学视角下产业集群对农村减贫作用的研究"(批准号:71503212)
关键词 水权制度 美国 水岸水权 优先占用水权 混合水权 water rights the United States riparian rights prior appropriation hybrid system
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