
宗派与社群:清初逃禅的宗教文化解读——以复社逃禅群体为切入点 被引量:3

Sects and Communities: Religious and Cultural Interpretation of Escaping Buddhist Converts in Early Qing Dynasty: A Study that Begins with the Escaping Buddhist Converts in the Restoration Society
摘要 为因应明清易代的历史变局,大批士林才彦在入清后剃发为僧,带动了士林逃禅风气的盛行。清初逃禅现象的文化内涵含摄着"逃入"与"逃出"两层意义,其间相反相成的关系呈现出独特的宗教属性和思想张力。作为号召士林、丛林的代表力量,复社群体与三峰派的合流不仅使清统治者感受到群体力量的潜在威胁,其文化影响亦与官方意识形态背道而驰。三峰派对复社逃禅士人的支持,背后的原因在于:对清军南下过程中的残忍杀戮和剃发令等高压政策导致的普遍性恶感;两宋以来部分禅宗大德疏离皇权、抵制异族统治的思想传统。而三峰派与复社群体长期互动形成的思想认同则起到了更为重要的作用。 In order to meet the changes that were brought about by the replacement of Ming Dynasty by Qing Dy- nasty, a huge number of people who used to serve in the court of Ming Dynasty and scholar with great talents and virtue removed their hair and became buddhist monks, promoting the cult for officials and scholars to turn escaping buddhist converts. The phenomenon of escaping buddhist converts in early Qing Dynasty includes inclination both to "escape away from" and to "escape into" a certain thing. The paradoxical nature here shows the unique property of religion and the tension in thoughts. As representative forces of scholars both in and beyond the court, Restoration Society and San- feng Sect blended gradually, forming potential threat to the ruler of Qing Dynasty. Their cultural influences were drasti- cally different from that of the official ideology as well. Part of the reason for Sanfeng Sect' s support for escaping bud- dhist converts in Restoration Society arose from their general disgust caused by Qing army' s butchering of people on its way south and Qing government' s oppressive policy to cut people' s hair. Another part of the reason was related to some great buddhist leaders' aloofness from the royal power and their resistance against the rule of foreign power. Besides, an even more powerful force that blended the Restoration Society and the Sanfeng Sect was the long-term interaction be- tween the two and the growing identification that grew out of the interaction.
作者 刘敬 陈洪
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期93-100,共8页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 逃禅 复社 三峰派 天童派 明末清初 Escaping Buddhist Converts Restoration Society Sanfeng Sect Tiantong Sect End of Ming and Early Qing Dynasty
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