
少数民族地区高等中医院校文献检索课改革研究 被引量:2

Research on the reform of Literature Retrieval course in universities of traditional Chinese medicine in minority areas
摘要 少数民族地区高等中医院校文献检索课教学工作起步较晚,但面对信息技术的进步、教育教学改革浪潮的推进,也始终不忘改革创新。为进一步提升当地文献检索课的教学质量与效果,文章通过实地调查和对关键人物访谈、相关学校图书馆读者问卷调查材料进行整理,在回顾少数民族地区高等中医院校文献检索课改革具体做法的同时,总结其中存在的问题,并逐一从创新文献检索课组织教学管理方式、积极探索文献检索课教学与专业课教育有机结合的方法和整合与开发文献检索课教学资源3个方面阐述改革路径。 In the face of the progress of information technology and the promotion of the reform of education and teaching, although universities of traditional Chinese medicine in minority areas started the teaching of Literature Retrieval later, but they has never forgotten the reform and innovation. In order to further improve the local Literature Retrieval course teaching quality and effect, this paper, through on-the-spot investigation, key figures interviews and questionnaire survey materials related to the school library readers, reviewed concrete practice of Literature Retrieval course reform in universities of traditional Chinese medicine in minority areas, summarized the problems, and expounded the reform path from the aspects of the innovation of management mode of organization teaching, exploration on the organic combination of Literature Retrieval course with professional courses and integration and development of the teaching resources of Literature Retrieval course.
作者 韩艳丽
机构地区 云南中医学院
出处 《江苏科技信息》 2017年第15期57-59,共3页 Jiangsu Science and Technology Information
关键词 少数民族地区 高等中医院校 文献检索课 教学改革 minority areas universities of traditional Chinese medicine Literature Retrieval course teaching reform
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