目的建立血浆中游离肉碱的测定方法。方法用高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定各患者的血浆游离肉碱,并进行比较。结果方法线性范围为2~32μg·m L^(-1);最低检测浓度为2μg·m L^(-1),总分析时间为9.248min。肉碱的平均保留时间(8.467±0.042)min。高、中、低3种浓度的平均回收率为98.7%。批内批间RSD分别为4.8%和10.9%(n=5)。结论 HPLC法测定血浆游离肉碱浓度灵敏、可靠、简便,适用于快速检测肉碱缺乏症病人的临床筛选工作。
OBJECTIVE To establish a method for the determination of the concentration of carnitine in serum by HPLC. METHODS Determinate free plasma carnitine by HPLC method for each patient and run a comparison between them. RESULTS The linear range in this method was 2 -32μg · mL^-1 ;the Minimum detection concentra- tion was 2g · mL^-1 and total analysis time for 9. 248min. Also, Carnitine average retention time was 8. 467min (plus or minus 0. 042). High,medium and low concentration of three kinds of the average recovery was 98.7%. Batch in- side batch respectively between RSD was 4. 8% and 10. 9% ( n = 5 ). CONCLUSION The determination of the concentration of carnitine in serum by HPLC will be sensitive, reliable and convenient, and it will be applicable to the rapid detection for clinical screening work of patients with carnitine deficiency.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal