
体育新闻传播的特征、人才能力要求与体育新闻传播教育供给侧改革——基于奥运传播的观察 被引量:11

The Features of Sports News Dissemination,Requirements for Professional Abilities,and Supply-side Reform of Sports News Dissemination Education:Inspirations from the Communication of the Olympic Games
摘要 通过文献资料、文本分析、专家咨询等研究方法,基于奥运新闻传播的观察分析出我国当前体育新闻传播的特征,主要表现为:传播理念:从"受众中心"向"用户驱动";传播内容:由"赛场聚焦"到"泛奥关注";传播手段:从"单兵传播"到"全息传播";新闻叙事:从"现象新闻"到"数据传播";运行理念:由"新闻主义"到"品效合一"。这些特征的演变对体育新闻传播人才提出了新的能力要求,主要包括更加宽厚深广的专业知识能力,全息立体的技术应用能力,大数据调查分析呈现能力,综合的项目管理能力等。而反观目前的体育新闻传播教育供给侧存在培养目标设定的时代感不强,专业课程"增量"设置,融合欠缺,教学策略实施的实践性不足等问题,无法很好的适应和满足行业对于体育新闻传播人才的能力需求。介于此,提出了体育新闻传播教育的供给侧改革思路,在教育理念上:宽厚基础,思维融合,从"新闻本位"向"产品理念"转变;课程改革上,打造"进退均衡"、"融合有效"、"数据融入"的本体课程体系;教学改革上,实施课内课外、校内校外协同,大力推进实践教学落实;同时不断的强化师资团队的现代性建设。 This paper is based on the observation of the news dissemination at the Olympic Games and aims to analyze the characteristics of the current sports news dissemination in China. These features are mainly embodied in a series of shifts: from "audience-centered" to "user-driven" in the philosophy, from "stadium-focused" to "generally concerned about Olympism" in the content,from "independent dissemination" to "holographic communication" in the means, from "news phenomena" to "data communication" in the narrative ,from "journalism " to "integration of the product and the effect". The evolution leads to corresponding change in requirements for the abilities of news dissemination professionals, these abilities including a more solid mastery of expertise, holographic technology application ability, ability to investigate and analyze and present big data, and integrated project management ability. A look at the current supply side of the sports news dissemination shows the goals lagging behind the time, a redundancy of courses on the program with a lack of integration between them, and impractical teaching strategies. These problems renders it impossible to meet the professional requirements for sports news dissemination professionals. In view of this, we argue for supply-side reform in sports news dissemination education. The educational philosophy should take a turn from "news-centered" to "product-centered". In terms of the curriculum, courses should be added or subtracted in a balanced manner, be integrated, and introduce more data. In addition ,teaching should not take place only in class or on campus, practice teaching should be strengthened, and teachers' awareness of keeping up with the times should be raised.
作者 王凯 陈明令 WANG Kai CHEN Ming-ling(Nanjing Sports Institute, Nanjing 210014, China Olympic College of Nanjing Sports Institute, Nanjing 210000, China)
出处 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2017年第2期7-13,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education
基金 国家体育总局体育哲学社会科学青年项目(编号:2234SS15121) 南京体育学院院级课题(编号:YJ1425)
关键词 体育新闻传播 教育 人才培养 奥运会 能力需求 sports news dissemination education talent development Olympic Games ability requirement
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