Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of multislice spiral CT angiography (MSCT) in the diagnosis of portal vein biliary disease (CAD) in patients with portal vein cavernous transformation. Methods: One ease of primary portal vein cavernous degeneration (PCTPV) with portal vein biliary disease was selected as the study subject in our hospital. Multi-slice helical CT scan, hepatic arterial phase and portal phase scan were used to summarize the characteristics of MSCT images. Results: The portal vein branch, portal vein branch, superior pancreaticoduodenal vein and umbilical vein can be displayed in this patient. Patients with MSCT scan impression diagnosis: portal vein cavernous degeneration and portal vein biliary tract disease, imaging features: a little expansion of intrahepatic bile duet, portal vein intrahepatic small, portal perfusion of liver poor. Gallbladder wall and common bile duct wall thickening, was delayed to strengthen. Gallbladder bottom and around the tortuous expansion of the blood vessels can be seen shadow. Portal vein and the main branch of the absence or occlusion of the trunk, and see the expansion of the mass of tortuous blood vessels; portal vein disorder in the running area, portal vein and superior mesenteric vein showed spongiform degeneration, the surrounding multiple collateral circulation, shaped distribution, the superior mesenteric vein filling defect filling the shadow, the tube wall can be seen point dense sheet shadow. Conclusion: MSCT images of portal vein cavernous degeneration and portal vein biliary disease have certain characteristics, which are important for the diagnosis and evaluation of portal vein graft disease.
Image Technology
Portal Vein and Sponge
Portal Vein Sex Biliary Disease