
27个柳树无性系对镉的吸收分配特性 被引量:5

Characteristics of Cadmium Absorption and Distribution in 27 Willow Clones
摘要 【目的】研究27个柳树无性系的根、插穗树皮、枝条和叶片对Cd^(2+)的吸收分配特性,获得地上部和地下部富集Cd浓度最大的无性系,为Cd污染地的植物修复提供理论参考,为进一步研究柳属植物对Cd^(2+)的解毒机制提供依据。【方法】以具有优良经济价值和观赏价值的27个柳树无性系为研究对象,在水培条件下,40 mg·L^(-1)Cd^(2+)胁迫6天,分别取根、枝条、叶片和插穗树皮样品,采用原子吸收分光光度计测定不同部位的Cd浓度,并计算地上部插穗树皮、枝条和叶片对Cd向地上部转运的贡献率。【结果】27个柳树无性系Cd^(2+)主要富集在根中,很少向地上部转移,根Cd浓度为1 106.08~4 261.46 mg·kg^(-1),无性系柳Q2根中Cd浓度仅为蒿柳的25.96%,地上部Cd浓度为38.29~207.87 mg·kg^(-1),柳D31地上部Cd浓度仅为柳SH31的18.42%;柳SH31叶片、枝条和树皮中Cd浓度均高于其他柳树无性系,分别为177.17、506.85和263.04 mg·kg^(-1);27个柳树无性系对Cd的转运系数均较小,最小的柳2465为0.016,最大的柳SH31也仅为0.199;叶片、枝条和树皮对Cd向地上部转运的贡献率不同,柳Q43和柳SH18的枝条对Cd转运的贡献率最大,分别为56.3%和57.2%,其他无性系树皮的贡献率最大,最大的柳23达到了88.5%,最小的柳Q43为28.6%,仅为柳23的32.3%。【结论】27个柳树无性系主要将吸收的Cd富集在根中,以较少向地上部转移;蒿柳根富集Cd浓度最大,主要将吸收的Cd固定在根中,以减少其对自身其他器官的伤害,同时降低土壤中有效Cd的浓度,减少其对其他植物的伤害;柳SH31地上部富集Cd浓度最大,可通过多次短轮伐并收集地上部达到减少土壤中Cd^(2+)的目的。 [ Objective ] To select the clone with maximum Cd2+ concentration both in above - and under - ground parts, we have studied characteristics of Cd2+ absorption and distribution in 27 willow clones in their roots, bark of cuttings, branches and leaves, which can provide a theoretical basis for phytoremediation of Cd contaminated soil and an experimental basis for further studies of Cd detoxification mechanisms. [ Method ] A total of 27 willow clones with economic and ornamental value were studied. Different tissues of clones, including roots, branches, leaves and bark of cuttings, were sampled after 6 days of exposure to 40 mg L-1 CdCl2 in hydroponic conditions and the cadmium concentration in these tissues were detected with atomic absorption spectrophotometer, contribution rate of cadmium transportation in different parts were then calculated. [ Result ] Cd were mainly accumulated in the roots of 27 clones with a range from 1 106.08 mg kg-1 to 4 261.46 mg kg-1. Specially, S. viminalis had the highest concentration, while clone Q2 was only 25.96% of the former. The Cd concentrations in above -ground part were detected at a range from 38.29 mg. kg-1 to 207.87 mg-kg-1, and the clones SH31 and D31 were the-highest and the lowest cadmium accumulation respectively. Moreover, SH31 accumulated the most cadmium than other clones in leaf, branch and bark. Though the cadmium transport coefficient in the 27 willow clones was small, SH31 was the largest one with a value of 0. 199, significantly higher than other clones, and clone 2465, was only 0. 016. There were different contribution rates to Cd transportation in different tissues among different clones. Clones Q43 and SH18 had the biggest contribution to root - shoot transfer in branches, which was 56.3% and 57.2% respectively, while the bark was in dominant position during transportation in other clones, with a maximum accumulation of 88.5% in clone 23 and a minimum of 28.6% in Q43. [ Conclusion] Cadmium were mainly enriched in roots in the 27 willow clones, and less cadmium was transferred to shoots. Furthermore, S. viminalis has the largest cadmium concentration in roots, mitigating the damage of Cd to other organs effectively and reducing the cadmium concentration in soil to alleviate the injury to other plants. SH31 accumulated the most cadmium in shoot than other clones, which could reduce the cadmium in soil by several short rotations and by collecting the shoots of SH3.
出处 《林业科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期9-17,共9页 Scientia Silvae Sinicae
基金 林业公益性行业科研专项经费项目"我国北方野生柳树资源评价及开发利用研究"(201304115)
关键词 柳树 CD 地上部 地下部 枝条 叶片 树皮 富集 willow Cd aboveground underground root branch leaf bark beneficiation
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