

A study of lamellar structure changes of olfactory bulb of mice
摘要 目的探讨小鼠出生后嗅球层状结构的发育变化。方法取小鼠出生当天、出生后10、20、30、45、60、75、90 d嗅球,采用HE染色,以神经元核心抗原(NeuN)特异性抗体进行免疫组化染色,观察其结构变化。结果新生小鼠嗅球无层状结构,NeuN在周边散在分布,出生后10 d嗅球层状结构可初步辨识,NeuN表达逐渐向内迁移;出生后20 d嗅球清晰出现突触小球层;出生后30 d嗅球层状结构清晰,NeuN迁移至内丛状层;出生后30~90 d,嗅球结构无明显变化。结论小鼠出生后10~20 d嗅球层状结构发育变化明显,出生后30 d完成嗅觉在嗅球水平的修饰。 Objective To investigate the lamellar structure changes of olfactory bulb of mice. Methods The tissues of olfactory bulb were obtained from mice at birth, 10,20,30,45,60,75 and 90 days after birth, respectively. The structure changes were observed by PIE staining and immunohistochemical staining in NeuN specificity antibodies. Results There were no lamellar structures of mice at birth ,and NeuN diffused in distribution perimeter. The lamellar structures could be found in the tissues from the mice of 10 days after birth, and NeuN gradually inward immigrated. Synaptic glomerulus could be found in the tissues from mice of 20 days after birth. The lamellar structure changes of olfactory bulb were clear in the tissues from mice of 30 days after birth, and the NeuN immigrated to the inner. There was no significant difference from 30-90 days. Conclusion The lamellar structure changes of olfactory bulb are obvious from 10 days after birth to 20 days. The lamellar structure of olfactory bulb is clear at 30 days after birth, and the olfactory sensation is completed.
出处 《临床军医杂志》 CAS 2017年第5期481-484,共4页 Clinical Journal of Medical Officers
基金 辽宁省科学技术计划项目社会发展攻关计划(2011205027)
关键词 嗅球 层状结构 神经元核心抗原 Olfactory bulb Lamellar structure NeuN
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