针对传统晶闸管投切电容器(Thyristor Switcher Capacitor,TSC)只能分级补偿,补偿精度差,响应速度慢和配电网静止同步补偿器(Distribution Static Var Compensator,DSTATCOM)造价高,补偿容量不大的缺点,提出一种由TSC和DSTATCOM构成的混合无功补偿装置。该系统能够结合TSC补偿容量大、成本低和DSTATCOM连续补偿且补偿精度高的优点,采用基于专家决策的控制策略,使两者相互协调运行。对混合无功补偿装置结构和原理进行介绍,并对补偿原理进行分析,设计基于专家决策的混合型动态无功补偿器(Hybrid Var Compensator,HVC),再分别描述两者的装置和控制策略,最后通过Matlab仿真,验证该装置达到了高精确度的混合无功补偿要求。
Aiming at the disadvantages of traditional Thyristor Switcher Capacitor (TSC) such as graded compen- sation, poor compensation accuracy, slow response speed and expensive cost of Distribution Static Var Compensa- tor(DSTATCOM) and low compensation capacity, a hybrid reactive power compensation device which was com- posed of TSC and DSTATCOM was put forward. The system combined large capacity and low cost of TSC with high accuracy of DSTATCOM. The control strategy based on expert decision makes a coordinated operation between the two modes. The control methods of HVC are processed based on the principle analysis of HVC. Finally, Matlab simulation indicated that the HVC has a perfect compensation performance based on the proposed strategy.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Science and Technology