

“Faithfulness” or “Unfaithfulness”? A Further Discussion on the Foregrounding Strategies in the English and French Version of Big Breasts and Wide Hips
摘要 伴随着对翻译本质的重新认识,译者的伦理观日益受到关注。在翻译伦理的审视下,葛浩文的译本因"较多的创造"而被斥为不尊重原文本及中国文化,但没有深入研究便得此结论显失公正。现以信息凸显为切入点,以《丰乳肥臀》英法译本为研究对象,对比译例中凸显信息翻译策略的异同,解读其中所蕴含的翻译伦理思想,旨在阐明:译者在译文中所做的调整,是基于尊重"他者",同时实现"他者"与"自我"之间的平衡这一伦理诉求的具体体现,表层的"不忠"往往是为了实现更深层次的"忠实"。 With the reconsideration of the purpose of translation, the translation ethics of the translator is drawing more at tention. Under the scrutiny of it, Goldblatt's translation has long been renounced as not respecting the original text and Chinese culture for his "unusual creation" in the English version. But it is an unfair judgment without further examina- tion. This paper, therefore, looks into the English and French version of Big Breasts and Wide Hips in terms of fore- grounded information. Through contrasting the similarities and differences of the two translators' foregrounding strate- gies in the examples and interpreting the translators' ethics burying in them, it is concluded that the inevitable "readjust- ments" in translation actually show the translator's loyalty to the "otherness" in the original and made out of the effort to strike a balance between the "self" and the "otherness". The literal "betrayal", more often than not, aims at a better transference of the original in a deeper sense.
作者 董凤霞
出处 《兰州文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第3期110-115,共6页 Journal of Lanzhou University of Arts and Science(Social Science Edition)
关键词 《丰乳肥臀》 英译 法译 信息凸显 翻译伦理 Big Breasts and Wide Hips English version French version foregrounding translation ethics
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