

Utilitarian,Hedonic Nature and Consumer Satisfaction in Product Innovation
摘要 以笔记本电脑作为研究对象,运用因子分析和结构方程模型,研究了同一个产品享受属性和功能属性的不一致体验与顾客满意度之间的关系。研究发现:(1)同时出现功能属性和享受属性的正向不一致体验将导致顾客低度满意。(2)同时出现功能属性的负向不一致体验和享受属性的正向不一致体验将导致顾客高度不满意。f3)同时出现功能属性的正向不一致体验和享受属性的负向不一致体验体验将导致顾客高度满意。f4)同时出现功能属性和享受属性的负向不一致体验将导致顾客低度不满意。(5)功能属性不一致体验与享受属性不一致体验有正相关关系。 Based on factor analysis and structural equation model analysis, taking laptop as an example, we research the relationship between utilitarian/hedonic disconfirmation and consumer satisfaction. Results find that: (1) a positive discon- firmation in utilitarian and hedonic dimension will result in low-level satisfaction; (2) a negative disconfirmation in utilitari- an dimension and a positive disconfirmation in hedonic dimension will result in high-level dissatisfaction; (3) a positive dis- confirmation in utilitarian dimension and a negative disconfirmation in hedonic dimension will result in high-level satisfac- tion; (4) a negative disconfirmation in utilitarian and hedonic dimension will result in low-level dissatisfaction; (5) disconfir- mation in utilitarian will positively be relevant to disconfirmation in hedonic.
出处 《江西科技学院学报》 2017年第2期60-66,共7页 Journal of Jiangxi University of Technology
关键词 功能属性 享受属性 顾客满意度 Utilitarian Hedonic Consumer Satisfaction
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