摘要西欧联盟(Western European Union,WEU)成立于1954年,作为欧洲防务的重要组成部分,诞生于冷战时期美苏对抗的大背景之下,承载着欧洲独立防务的愿景和梦想。历经几十年的沉浮与变换,西欧联盟从一个军事防御性的国家对话平台,逐渐发展成为覆盖军事职能与非军事(民事)领域的欧洲防务机构,其超国家的性质和功能不断增加。
3Margrita Mathiopoulos & Istvan Gyarmati, "Saint Malo and Beyond: Toward European Defense," The Washington Quarterly, Autumn 1999,p. 66.
4Appendix 2 of the Portuguse Presidency Conculusions, European Council, Santa Maria de Feira, June 19-20, 2000.
5Paul Cornish & Geoffery Edward, "Beyond the EU/NATO Dichotomy: the Beginnings of a European Strategic Culture," International Affairs, Vol. 77, No. 3 (July 2001).
6The Economist, December 16,2000.
7Robert G. Bell, "The Pursuit of Enhanced Defense Capabilities," NATO Review, Feb. 2002.
8Presidential Conclusions, Helsinki European Council of Minister's Document, Dec. 10-11,1999.
9Ronald D. Asmus & Charles Grant, "Can NATO Remain An Effective Military and Political Alliance If It Keeps Growing," NATO Review, Spring 2002.