Predation is thought to be one of the main structuring forces in animal communities. However, se- lective predation is often measured on isolated traits in response to a single predatory species, but only rarely are selective forces on several traits quantified or even compared between different predators naturally occurring in the same system. In the present study, we therefore measured be- havioral and morphological traits in young-of-the-year Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis and com- pared their selective values in response to the 2 most common predators, adult perch and pike Esox lucius. Using mixed effects models and model averaging to analyze our data, we quantified and compared the selectivity of the 2 predators on the different morphological and behavioral traits. We found that selection on the behavioral traits was higher than on morphological traits and perch predators preyed overall more selectively than pike predators. Pike tended to positively se- lect shallow bodied and nonvigilant individuals (i.e. individuals not performing predator inspec- tion). In contrast, perch predators selected mainly for bolder juvenile perch (i.e. individuals spend- ing more time in the open, more active), which was most important. Our results are to the best of our knowledge the first that analyzed behavioral and morphological adaptations of juvenile perch facing 2 different predation strategies. We found that relative specific predation intensity for the di- vergent traits differed between the predators, providing some additional ideas why juvenile perch display such a high degree of phenotypic plasticity.